What are the 10 tips to be healthy ? 10 ways to stay healthy.Proper routine throughout the day
A health website lists Ten easy ways to build health.
Exercise: There are numerous exercises for building a fit and muscular body. Which is quite heavy and laborious. However, good health does not mean a muscular body. You can start exercising with normal walking. Walking puts less pressure on the knees than running. Just a 10 minute walk will increase performance and metabolic capacity. If it is not possible to walk outside, you can use ‘treadmill’, ‘elliptical machine’.
Adequate water: It is very important to meet the daily water needs of the body. Water is needed for digestion, proper functioning of internal organs, and keeping bones strong. Water is also helpful to keep the skin good, to get rid of waste products from the body. And if you exercise, you have to increase the amount of water you drink. It is better to drink coconut water instead of energy drinks to make up for the lack of electrolytes after heavy exercise. Excess sugar and calories should be kept in mind in other drinks. In that case fruit juice is a useful alternative.
Light-air: Sunlight has several health benefits, especially vitamin D. Which helps in the absorption of calcium in the body, is very important in building strong bones. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to cancer, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, anxiety and other problems. The role of vitamin-D in calcium absorption prevents osteoporosis or bone loss. However, sunlight is not the only source of vitamin-D. Packaged dairy foods, cod liver oil, eggs, salmon and tuna fish also contain vitamin-D.
Sleep and rest: Sleep should never be neglected. No matter how busy life is, the body must rest. Otherwise there may be fatigue, anxiety, restlessness. If you do not get enough sleep for just a few nights, it will affect your mental state, conscience and memory. If this condition continues for a long time, physical complications like stress and heart disease can occur. So instead of working at night, get enough sleep and try to work in a good mood in the morning. It will work, the body will be good.
Natural foods: Fresh fruits, vegetables, non-vegetarian foods are best for the body. Market bread, bread - claims to be ‘whole grain’ but most of them contain extra sugar and preservatives. To keep food healthy, you should try to bake it as much as possible. You can look at their list of nutrients when buying food.
Coffee that helps you sleep better
Sometimes you have to take some rest due to extra stress of work. In that case, drinking 1 cup of coffee (200 mg) before going to bed and sleeping for 20 minutes will refresh the brain and increase its ability to work several times.
Studies have shown that caffeine clears the adenosine molecules inside the brain and activates the brain. And when the amount of adenosine in the brain increases, we feel tired or exhausted.
Do not brush after eating: It is not advisable to brush your teeth after eating and drinking. Especially if the food or drink is acidic. Acidic foods such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, soda, etc. are high in acidic substances. And these soften the tooth enamel. As a result, if brushed after eating, the acid can spread more in the tooth enamel and erode the lower layer of the tooth. So you should brush your teeth 30 to 60 minutes after eating or drinking.
Eat less to eat more: A lot of times after eating 100 calorie cookies or salty biscuits we didn't eat as much as we thought. The funny thing is that it increases the tendency to get hungry. It is true that eating a small amount of carbohydrates will reduce the amount of sugar in the blood, but the desire to eat more carbohydrates will awaken. So it is better to eat protein foods such as peanut butter and cheese. The protein and fat present in it will fill the stomach quickly and there will be no need to eat food for a long time.
Not an energy drink when tired: However, its effectiveness lasts for a very short time and can increase a variety of side effects such as irritability, nervousness, rapid heartbeat, fatigue, etc. After every can of energy drink, the level of sugar in the body increases by 50 grams. So it is better to avoid such drinks as much as possible.
Avoid diet soda: To avoid excess sugar, calories or fat, many people drink diet soda instead of ordinary soda. However, many people do not know that diet soda has more calories than normal soda and can gain weight very fast. So it is better not to drink diet drinks in the hope of losing weight.
Drink hot drinks: Generally, in many countries, people prefer to drink ice-coffee, cold drinks, smoothies, etc. as a drink to protect themselves from the summer heat. However, hot tea or other drinks are more effective to cool the body in hot weather. Drinking hot drinks changes the body temperature and causes excessive sweating. Shortly after sweating, the body naturally cools down.
Exercise during fatigue: Exercising after a busy day increases physical and mental strength. Regular exercise for 30 minutes reduces depression and keeps the mind well. As a result, the ability to work increases.
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