What can I do to keep myself healthy during the COVID-19 outbreak_ - বিশ্বকনিকা বাংলাদেশ

শুক্রবার, ১০ ডিসেম্বর, ২০২১

What can I do to keep myself healthy during the COVID-19 outbreak_

What can I do to keep myself healthy during the COVID-19 outbreak_

What can I do to keep myself healthy during the COVID-19 outbreak

Saying ‘mind is good, everything is good!’ Means if you have a good mind, you can stay healthy even with many serious illnesses. The mind communicates very well with every part of our body. So the mind also has a role behind the physical illness. But we usually do not treat the origin of the disease in any disease i.e. the mind. As a result, it is not possible to eradicate the disease from the beginning. But in homeopathy the body as well as the mind is treated.

Connection of mind with body

Body and mind are intimately involved When the body is born from the mother's womb, the body cannot speak in the initial stage, but the mind can understand everything starting from the mother's touch. So all physical diseases originate from the mental level. We treat physical ailments externally because the level of the mind cannot be seen. In fact any human illness comes from the mental level to the physical level and then to the pathological level. That is to say, the onset of any disease from the mind comes to the physical stage and finally from that physical stage various structural pathological changes take place in our body. For example, if someone has a cancerous tumor, then this change in the body can be seen in the eye or cyst can be detected in the test. But in fact the origin of this disease goes to the mental level long ago. Therefore, it is not possible to eradicate the disease completely without treating the origin of the disease.

Psychological treatment in homeopathy

In homeopathy, where the disease originates, that is, treatment is started from the mental level. Any disease that is analyzed from the beginning is eliminated and accordingly the pathological changes that have taken place in the body at present are treated. At the same time in homeopathy the patient is healed in a state of subtle strength by seeing the symptoms. In fact, homeopathy is a treatment that focuses on the pathological side of the patient as well as the treatment of mental symptoms from the very beginning.

Keep a good mind first

If the mind is not good, as can be seen in many physical problems, it can be the other way around. That is, long-term physical illness and treatment can affect a patient's thoughts and feelings. Therefore, if you are sick, you have to pay attention to physical care as well as mental health. This is because it has been proven that long-term stress can lead to heartburn and even tumors. That is to say, mental thoughts bring other ailments So it is very important to be mentally healthy or to always be happy. Because when you become mentally weak, it becomes difficult to deal with any disease.

OMG! An adult reluctant to be vaccinated with the 'fake' corona vaccine, then.

News Everyday Digital Desk: COVID-19 Warning and vaccination is the only weapon to survive the onslaught. Doctors and experts have repeatedly informed everyone about it. But still many people have been seen to behave strangely. This time an incident came to the fore which was noticed by the eye-catching experts. One person was seen taking the COVID vaccine made of silicone! The incident took place in Italy.

What exactly is the matter? Health workers in Biella, northeastern Italy, have caught a man in the act. In fact, Italy, like other countries in the world, has taken strict measures against vaccination. A 'Super Green Pass' is a must to visit places like railway stations, cinema halls, restaurants, gyms or swimming pools. And it can only be obtained if you have been vaccinated or if you have recently been coronary.

That is why the bad intentions come to the mind of a person in his fifties who is very reluctant to get vaccinated. He came to the health center with a silicone hand mold on his hand. Vaccination is also done. But one of the nurses did not ignore the matter. He felt the gentleman's hand be impossibly cold. Again, he has the feeling of holding a rubber object. Moreover, while rolling up the sleeves, it was seen how light and unusual the color of the skin was. Seeing Begatik, the man tried to cut him off. But then the nurse went and informed the authorities. After that a case was filed against him.

The Italian administration is watching the whole matter closely. The head of the local administration said such incidents would not be tolerated in any way. Because the way the people have lost their lives and socio-economic value due to the corona, such behavior will not be accepted while standing there. Most importantly, the person himself is a health worker. Everyone is even more surprised that he himself broke this.

News Daily Digital Desk: Astana created by aliens? Or the abandoned spacecraft of the predecessors? In the farthest corner of the moon, what is the cube-like object whose existence has been captured in the image taken by the Chinese rover? As the news spread, isn't it?At present, astronomers are trying to answer this question. Netizens are excited to see the pictures.

According to a report on Space.com, the Yutu-2 rover recently "saw" a cube-shaped object near the edge of the moon's northern sky. It looks a lot like a hut. Initially, Chinese scientists called it the "mystery hut." The Yutu-2 rover that identified it was working in the Von Carmen Cave on the lunar surface

The Chinese spacecraft that landed on the moon on December 6, 2016, is still there. However, the fate of the mysterious hut was found in November this year, the news came out recently. Picture out with. Yutu-2 regularly publishes his lunar exploration diary on Hour Space, a channel under the China National Space Administration.

With the information from there, Space.com wrote, “Suddenly I saw the northern sky. There is a key near the border of the sky! Not seen before. Going now. It looks like a mysterious hut. There is a hole right next to it. What is that? What is the base of the aliens on the moon after crash landing? Or is it a spacecraft that has been dropped by all the astronauts who have been to the moon before?

আমাদের সাথেই থাকুন,ধন্যবাদ।